The DCRO Institute issues the world's most prestigious credentials in risk governance: the Qualified Risk Director® designation, the Qualified Risk Expert™ designation, the Certificate in Risk Governance®, and the Certificate in Cyber Risk Governance®. Our credentials distinguish their holders by demonstrating a steadfast commitment to the positive governance of risk-taking® within their organizations. Scroll down to learn more about these esteemed credentials.
The Qualified Risk Director® designation is our top credential. It is an elite recognition awarded exclusively by the DCRO Institute to individuals who demonstrate exceptional ability to integrate corporate strategy with the positive governance of risk-taking®. Their skills can be applied in the work of many board committees - wherever risk is part of the conversation.
Recipients must exhibit comprehensive experience across business, risk, leadership, and education, complete the requirements to earn the Certificate in Risk Governance® (see below), hold a board governance credential from a respected institution or have significant fiduciary board experience, and gather letters of recommendation from their board and C-suite peers.
The Qualified Risk Expert™ designation is designed to identify outstanding board members specifically for service on board risk committees. It is an elite recognition awarded exclusively by the DCRO Institute to individuals who have extensive risk management or technology risk management leadership experience and meet specific work experience requirements.
In addition to their risk management or technology risk management leadership experience, successful candidates must complete the requirements to earn the Certificate in Risk Governance® (see below), pass an exam on the DCRO Guiding Principles for Board Risk Committees, and gather letters of recommendation from their board and C-suite peers.
The Certificate in Risk Governance® represents the pinnacle of education in risk governance. It is awarded to those who successfully fulfill the comprehensive requirements of The Board Members' Course on Risk®. Recipients of this certificate are distinguished board members serving in more than 60 countries and leading executives spanning various industries on six continents.
To receive the credential, they must complete a comprehensive training and evaluation program across 17 subjects critical for effective risk governance, giving them practical tools to bring advanced risk governance skills to organizations across dozens of countries and six continents, always emphasizing the positive governance of risk-taking®.
The Certificate in Cyber Risk Governance® is a prestigious credential awarded to current and prospective board members who complete our rigorous Certificate in Cyber Risk Governance® course. Our program is led by experienced board members, executives, and professionals from law enforcement, military, and intelligence services, ensuring top-tier instruction in cyber risk governance.
Across ten lessons and evaluations, credential holders learn how to govern cyber risk in the context of the board's strategic and oversight roles. Credential holders serve on boards in more than 25 countries on six continents.